Fentimans Mojito Mocktail

How To Make a Mojito Mocktail

Nothing quenches your thirst on a hot summer’s day than a refreshing mojito. Zesty and fresh, this mocktail is the perfect choice for anyone who loves a twist of citrus.

What’s even better is that this delicious mocktail recipe is very easy to make. Read on to find out how to make a mojito mocktail using one of our delicious mixers.


  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • A handful of mint leaves
  • 3 freshly squeezed limes
  • Fentimans Sparkling Soda Water


  1. Using a pestle and mortar, muddle the mint leaves with the sugar until they are well combined
  2. Fill two tall glasses with a handful of crushed ice and divide the lime juice evenly between them.
  3. Divide the sugar and mint mixture between the two glasses and top them up with a dash of Fentimans soda water and serve.
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